Katelyn will create a painting of your spirit guide just for you.
Have you ever wanted to know your spirit guide? As a visionary artist I am able to connect with your guardian angel and paint their picture. I also can find out their name and get a message from them for you. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to create a deeper connection whim them. These paintings will help you do that.
About the Painting
Each painting is a 6 X9 Watercolor painting. You will recieve the painting and the spirit guides name and a message for you from your them. Cost is $175
Send an email to Katelyn to order your painting. Click the button below.
About Katelyn
Katelyn has been creating personal spiritual paintings for people for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of images. The feedback she recieves is always how spot on the information is. People usual find the image giving them new information for years to come as they work with them.