We are birthing a new age. We are in the birth canal and anything can happen. There is chaos and possible crisis at this time in the birthing process. The birthing mother’s body has its own process and its own agenda. No one knows what will happen.
The parents are afraid and nervous and that is one side of the story. The doctors and nurses are confident yet cautious, and that is the other side of the story. Regardless of what side of the story you are on, this baby will be born.
Often a key player in this birthing story is the midwife, who is a calm and focused on both mother and baby, talking cues from the doctor and nurses. She is a presence there to assist. She holds a deep respect and reverence for life, understands suffering and has deep compassion.
2021 is a rebirth year, not a year of destruction.
It is easy to get caught up in the chaos. There is so much information flying around and sides being taking, making it is hard to know what is true.
Maybe we aren’t supposed to know.
Maybe we are all being asked to be midwives, rather than picking a side to the story, that we don’t really know what the outcome is. Like the midwife, maybe the best place to be is holding space for a successful emergence and acting as a gateway to welcome in to existence a world that supports all of us.
What if we all became midwives to this birthing process. I think it would be an easier birth, don’t you. By being midwives we are all working together to birth this new world and maybe the separation between us would melt away.