“Feeling Grateful Today I picked up my Soul Wisdom Portrait from the brilliant and beautiful Katelyn Mariah. The imagery and her reading are on point. Like the snake, I am shedding a lot of old "skin" and transforming my life. The last time I dreamt of a snake was right before I moved to Minnesota. And like the leopard I am getting ready to make one of the biggest leaps in my life. Thank you so much Kately, you are such a gift.“ Tai Goodwin--
“My Soul Portrait is the most amazing and awesome item I have ever purchased for myself. It’s so beautiful and so right on target of who I am. I was totally astounded when I first saw it and it is totally incredible how accurate it is at this time in my life. I meditate on the painting daily to learn all that it will teach me on my healing journey. Katelyn Mariah is an Amazing woman and is very much a healer. I have been in a depressed state for well over a year. Now since having my Soul Portrait done and meditating on it, I can actually see light coming back into my life, that had been crushing out of me. I can feel the shift occurring in me. Everyday is now another step forward toward being healed and living the life that is meant for me.” The surprising thing for me was to learn that her middle name was Rose and the name she uses online means vine two of the prominent symbols in this painting. I am so blessed to be the steward of these beautiful, powerful paintings ❤️ |
" My soul portrait gave me further insight to "stuff" that was already going on inside of me. It was amazing that someone I don't know was actually able to pick up on things that are very real and true to me personally. I'm in a phase of learning, seeking and self discovery right now. Many of the "self" things I am working on/towards came through in the portrait and further insight was given in Katelyn's interpretation of the piece. I go back to it every now and then and pick up on new and different interpretations and nuances, it continues to speak to me.
I would recommend it to anyone. It's fun to see what comes through. My sister got one done also and had similiar feelings about hers. " SR |
“Katelyn, I received my soul portrait yesterday…thank you!! It’s lovely!!! I have followed my North Star for years…and sometimes it’s gone against the grain but I trust it!! The Koi Fish…love that symbol!! It’s a living, golden jewel for sure and is part of my being!!! I am that and shine that for others to inspire and empower them!!! The lotus flower…that reminds me of going into the darkness and subconscious at night(doing my own personal work) and then blooming again to exude my personal beauty and fragrance into the world for another day!! We each carry such magnificent gifts…thank you for tapping into some of mine! Namaste”