I have 5 years of classical training in the Mischtechnik, a Renaissance oil and egg tempera technique used by the old masters. I have studied with Philip Rubinov-Jacobson, Mantra Cora, Michael Fuchs and Wolfgang Widmoser.
About MichetechnikThese paintings are paintings in the Mischtechnik style of painting. This is an egg tempera and oil technique used by the old masters. Because of the way it is painted there is more light coming from the surface of the painting than is found in traditional oil paintings. It is built up on layers and it sometimes hundreds of hours to complete.
History: The almost forgotten old master techniques of painting, like Mischtechnik, used by many of the Renaissance masters, was actually never totally abandoned but handed down from master to student over centuries. It was always in use in an unbroken chain, even if obscure and rarely taught at any art school or university. Aside from the great dissemination of this knowledge by Pietro Anigonni and Prof Phil & Mantra's mentor, Ernst Fuchs and the Vienna School of Fantastic Realists, there have been a number of Masters of Mischtechnik over the last hundred years. This has included Barthel Giles, Otto Dix, Thomas Hart Benton, Paul Cadmus, Robert S. Smulyan, Franz Gertsch to name a few. In Mischtechnik, the method itself creates a sense of living luminosity. Such attention to the creative practice results in paintings embodying a process of alchemical transformation, in which the physical matter of painting itself, the ground pigment, the egg, the oil, emulsions, and handmade mediums are transmuted through the agency of our craft into extraordinary vision. Philip Rubinov-Jacobson |
This Gallery is dedicated to the work I have have done in my studies of Mischtechnik with Philip Rubinov-Jacobson around the world. The painting shown above is one I painted in Mischtechnik on the island of Ibiza in Spain. I have studied in Austria twice, Bali, and Spain in month long seminars.